Is Cityville Domination The Real deal?

When you first start out Cityville seems like a straight forward game that anyone could master. I never though that there would be any reason that I would need a guide for a game as simple as this. In the beginning Cityville is so easy, level happens fast, I was following the goals step by step and buying new houses and businesses as I got the coins. As things began to progress things started becoming a little more complicated. In no time my citizens were no longer happy, I never had enough energy, I would always run out of goods to support my businesses, leveling was happening super slow and all my friends and neighbors were getting ahead of me.

When you begin to get into some of the higher levels in Cityville there are just so many options that it gets confusing trying to figure out what to buy, where to place it and what crops to plant. It got to the point where I almost gave up playing the game. I was embarrassed about the amount I was playing only to be surpassed by friends who put in half the time. That was when I decided that I would give a game guide a chance. I figured that if it helped it would be worth it. I spend over $70 buying video games in the store that I enjoy half as much so really spending a little on a game guide was a fair deal. I did some research and decided Cityville Domination by Jason Stonewall was the best bet.

After using the guide my city was changed completely I had no idea how much I was doing wrong. I progressed three times as fast as before (and before I had already wasted $15 on Cityville Cash) before and as I increased levels I didn't slow down, in fact in some ways I sped up! Cityville Domination has advanced tactics that will help you throughout all stages of the game and as your strategy has to change because of limited space and new building the guide helps you through it step by step. I am now level 38 and show no signs of slowing down. If you are a beginner looking to begin on the right foot, or you are a more advanced player that wants to become an expert Cityville Domination is defiantly worth the money.

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